Saturday, June 16, 2007


Communicating vocally without talking

Have you ever wanted to say something to a friend, but were afraid you would be overheard by someone else? Well, because of some incredible research by NASA, that could soon be a matter of the past. They are in the process of developing a technology that would recognize the sub vocal speech that occurs when one “talks” while reading a book or thinking. The ramifications of such a technology are awesome to behold.

With a few sensors picking up nerve activity that the brain sends, keyboards would become obsolete because you could just tell your computer to enter text and words. NASA already did that. You could communicate with others as long as they had a receiver implanted in them. Honestly, this is the closest to telepathy we will ever get. Even personal prayers said to yourself could be recorded. This technology borders on recording thoughts.

What impact could it have on the communications industry? Well to start off, privacy becomes a major issue. Who monitors sub-vocal speech and are defamatory laws ruled only to words that are spoken or words that are thought? Technically, things you say in a dream could be recorded and played back later. This technology could also potentially be taught to recognize music as well, allowing people to compose in their minds. It could allow a deaf person to talk aloud if the receiver were connected to a speaker of some sort.

Sub-vocal speech would make us as a society much more controlled with our thoughts and also allow us to overcome the obstacles of manual entry of communication. I could dramatically alter the way we teach, learn, play, and think. It is scary, yet amazing what a technology like this is capable of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view