Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Making use of the information glut

There is, by far, too much useless information in the world. (And in my brain.) Just think of all of the digital pictures you have stored on your computer from last Christmas and the Father’s Day before that, just sitting there eating up your memory. Yes it is nice to have the archive, but normally, the information just sits there.

Well, the people at Microsoft have overcome the information glut and made it possible to connect all of this stagnant information to make something magnificent. It is called Photosynth. Basically it connects the vantage points of thousands of photos to recreate the virtual space. The same technology applies to journalism as well, as you will see in the video below.

Here is a fantastic example of how some very innovative thinkers are making use of all of the seemingly unimportant information. By combining information and breakthrough zooming technology, they have truly made the parts greater than the whole.

I, for one, love reading the newspaper on paper. But being able to read the paper online, seeing the entire original layout on my computer and then being able to enhance that experience by diving into the layout for more information or greater clarity excites me more than anything. It could potentially save the newspaper industry. Yes, the copy desk would have their hands full with the layout and reporters would have to produce more, but which is better? No job or too much to do?

Check out the site. Watch the whole movie. It is simply amazing what this technology can do. I love the commentary he makes near the end. Truly, now one information glut has a distinct value.

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